The Lost Soles
Film Shoot Photo Album


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Saturday the 14th 2001, a day that I believe will live on for a lot of us.

Leave my nipples alone!  ALONE!!!!

I hope you all had fun. I sure did. It was a great experiance. Look forward to seeing the cut in about a month's time at the official Lost Soles Premiere Bash! Keep checking for progress reports and new pics.

Doh I think I sat in something squishy...

Above: Geoff and Rachel, having fun.
Below: KC and his posse.

Help, they won't let go and its really starting to hurt!

Aw they're not so bad once you get to know them.

Above: Geoff with Tim in background
Below: KC and the Posse escape

Help I'm fuzzy!

Don't get too close to that Gnome!

The hardest working man in showbiz!


I'll be bawk

Not sure how he got on the set...

New pictures added all the time. Check back often!